綠色和平於2018年10月前往福島實地檢測,發現福島縣內許多地方的輻射值遠超過日本政府自訂的安全標準每小時0.23微西弗(或每年1毫西弗),並於2019年3月發表最新報告「福島核災輻射偵測前線」(On the Frontline of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Workers and Children)
Now nearly all those I loved and did not understand in my youth are dead, even Jessie, but I still reach out to them. Of course, now I am too old to be much of a fisherman. And now I usually fish the big waters alone, although some friends think I shouldn’t. But when I am alone in the half-light of the canyon, all existence seems to fade to a being with my soul and memories, and the sound of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm, and the hope that a fish will rise. Eventually, all things merge into one, and the river runs through it. The river was cut by the world’s great flood, and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words. And some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.
去年台灣通過禁核食公投,日本外務大臣提出警告。非核亞洲日本論壇(NO NUKES ASIA FORUM JAPAN)紛紛留言聲援台灣,「依車諾比標準要強制避難的區域,避免那裡的農林水產,這是世界的常識。」、「日本政府先做到不要捏造偽造才是吧。」試圖打破政府謊言、傳遞真相的聲音,在日本國內如火如荼,甚至向著台灣呼喊。
近日世界各地的年輕學子們紛紛集結,將在3月15日串連全球大罷課,要求「大人們」採取行動因應氣候變遷。響應學校已遍及全球98個國家。在這天之前,他們發出了一封毫不妥協的公開信,表示「無論你喜不喜歡,我們都會改變人類的命運。」(We are going to change the fate of humanity, whether you like it or not.)