Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. 使用產品後能加速分解污垢。
All Clean 酵素廚房清潔劑
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.多益得酵素廚房清潔劑是以微生物為來源,以科技方式萃取酵素精華製作而成,簡單天然無有害化學物質添加,對清潔油垢特別快速!清潔後無化學殘留,更能持續分解排水管內油脂,避免堵塞。
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.不添加增稠劑,低泡沫,好沖洗,省水又省力,符合CNS3800食品及食具用合成清潔劑合成清潔劑之標準; 酵速Bio-Enzy洗碗精,採用微生物科技,以具活性的脂肪酵素做為媒介,可快速的深入隙縫達到分解油污、糖份、醬汁…...等污垢
All Clean酵素洗衣精
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.中性配方不傷布料、不刺激皮膚,能分解油垢、汗垢、味道徹底乾淨 ,添加纖維酵素配方衣服更鮮豔,不需使用漂白劑、柔軟精即可分解髒汙,低泡好沖好洗,同時亦適用嬰幼兒衣物。
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. 中國1980年代的「愛祖國,愛國寶,搶救大熊貓」活動。圖片來源:作者提供。
其中,美國前總統羅斯福的兩個兒子(Theodore and Kermit Roosevelt)受博物館贊助,成為西方第一個「一起開槍打死大貓熊的人」,並將在中國的經歷寫成《追蹤大貓熊》(1929)一書。哈克尼斯夫人(Ruth Harkness)則首次成功將捕獲到的幼年大貓熊運出中國,在西方世界得到熱烈的歡迎。
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. 是「搶救」?還是「獵捕」?實際上行為已無法區別。圖片來源:作者提供。
1983年,四川大貓熊棲息地的冷箭竹大規模開花。由於竹子開花後枯死的規律性,引發政府和民眾「大貓熊將無竹可食」的憂慮。很快的,四川省政府建起監測站,在山野間投放羊肉、玉米饃,熏烤的羊骨、豬排等食物,「引誘」大貓熊下山,這些活動迅速演變為中外皆極為關注的「搶救大熊貓」熱潮(按:中國大陸稱大貓熊為「大熊貓」)。中國政府除籌建若干飼養場,用以收容、飼養「受災」大貓熊,還組織了巡護觀察組,前後約有600多名科技人員和工人參加「搶救」工作。同年底,「中國野生動物保護協會」成立後,旋即開始向國內外募捐。當美國前總統雷根(Ronald Wilson Reagan)和夫人南希(Nancy Davis Reagan)於隔年訪華時,亦將美國兒童的「搶救大熊貓」捐款交給中國政府。
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. 美國總統雷根及夫人南希1984年訪華時,南希將「搶救大熊貓」捐款交給中國政府。圖片來源:作者提供。
一進入弗班,有著鮮豔藍、紅、黃、綠色彩的正能源建築太陽船(Sun Ship)隨即出現在眼前,這棟建築所產出的能源超過使用所需。知名研究機構生態研究所(Öko-Institut)與社會生態銀行GLS均在此落腳。對面是綠色城市旅館(green city hotel),永續不只在建築,這裡聘用高比例的身心障礙員工為旅客提供最佳的服務。自治組織房屋倡議S.U.S.I.重建部分軍營加上拖車,為低收入民眾提供居住空間。社區裡有座汽電共生廠。弗班精神不只在這些指標,更在巷弄生活間。
國際間管理廢棄漁具的案例有:歐盟推動的Fishing for Litter計畫,美國推行的陷阱籠具移除計畫[4]與Fishing for Energy[5]計畫。美國多個州政府也訂有廢棄漁具的管理措施,如:華盛頓州建立了線上漁具丟失回報系統、廢棄漁具定位通報平台(Report Derelict Gear Sightings),由執行移除計畫的單位,雇請漁民合作追蹤並潛水移除廢棄籠具。英國Wales也開始建立漁民參與監測,雇請漁民移除籠具的機制。挪威有民間研究單位舉辦權益關係人工作坊,透過一同淨灘、訪談漁民,分析廢棄漁具的種類、源自何種漁業與成因,並研究再利用的可能性。印尼正執行FAO實驗漁具標示的示範計畫。
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. 廢棄的陷阱籠具會造成幽靈捕魚,圖為美國紐澤西海岸與德拉瓦灣的廢棄螃蟹籠具移除工作 (圖片來源:左圖NOAA,右圖New Jersey Audubon。取自Ecological and Economic Effects of Derelict Fishing Gear in the Chesapeake Bay 2015/2016 Final Assessment Report) Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. FAO與印尼的小型刺網漁業合作漁具標示試驗(圖片來源:Ghost Gear Initiative)
Penghu, Taiwan, August 8, 2018 (TEIA)– Wind Turbine A-01 of Longmen (龍門) will be relocated 180 meters south-southwest of the original site proposed in Penghu Low Carbon Island Development (澎湖低碳島計畫) because it is bad for Feng Shui (風水) and has possible shadow flicker and noise pollution. Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA) has passed the relocation plan's preliminary review on the analysis report on the difference of the environmental impacts on August 8, 2018.
Taiwan Power Company (Taipower), the developer, comments that a lower power generation efficiency is expected but relocating this wind turbine would win local residents' support. Yet, repeated protests from the residents may not be soothed by this simple relocation. Committee members of the preliminary review and Taipower all believe that a further communication with the residents is needed.
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. Wind Turbine A-01 of Longmen, proposed in Penghu Low Carbon Island Development, will be relocated 180 meters south-southwest of the proposed site due to issues with Feng Shui and possible shadow flicker and noise pollution. Photo: Excerpted from the submitted environmental impact assessment report.
Environmental impact assessment for the Penghu Low Carbon Island Development was passed in 2014; its goal is to increase local wind energy installed capacity by 32 kilowatt (kw). In Taipower's installation proposal, they are going to install six wind turbines in Longmen, two in Jiangmei (講美), and three in Dachikan (大赤崁). Taipower estimates that 116 megawatt hour (mwh) will be generated by these wind turbines annually. Currently, three out of six wind turbines are completed in Longmen.
The original site of this going-to-be relocated Wind Turbine A-01 is on the beach. However, local residents strongly against this site because it is bad for Feng Shui of a nearby cemetery, Guoyeh A Site (菓葉A遺址). Chen Yi-Cheng (陳一成), Head of Taipower's Renewable Energy Department, notes that the site selection meets all legal requirements but Taipower respects inputs from the residents. Hence, Taipower will relocate the wind turbine 180 meters south-southwest of the original site, and 40 meters away from the Guoyeh A Site, with assistance from Penghu County Government and Forestry Bureau. Though power generation efficiency will be lower in the new site, the efficiency remains within tolerance.
In addition to aforementioned Feng Shui issue, local residents have been repeatedly protesting the installment for its possible shadow flicker and noise pollution since last March. Now, the new site is much closer to the settlement and the shortest distance to the nearest house is 530 meters. Liu Shi-Ping (劉希平) and Jeng Ming-Shiou (鄭明修) of Taiwan EPA's Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee both concern about possible future conflicts.
Taipower claims that in their professional simulation and assessment, estimated sound pressure level of the noise in the nearest house would be 25.1 dB(A) and its low-frequency noise would be 22.0 dB(A). The values are within the Taiwan EPA' noise control standards, i.e., daytime and evening at 50 dB(A) and nighttime 40 dB(A). By adding the background value, the noise increment will be 0.0 dB(A). In this sense, the noise will be non-affecting and negligible.
Yet, Jeng Ming-Shiou raises the question of possible shadow flickers in Longmen, where six wind turbines are located east of the settlement. The flickering effect caused by rotating wind turbine blades after sunrise may affect the residents' sights and even cause discomforts. Taipower replies that shadow flickers mostly occur in high latitude areas with slanting sunlight. The impacts should be modest since Taiwan is at lower latitudes. In their estimation by utilizing solar angles data from Taichung, where shares a similar latitude with Penghu, shadows of the wind turbines will only appear west side of the turbine before noon. The shadows would be far from the settlement, thus it should have no impact to the residents.
Despite this development project successfully passing its environmental impact assessment, it still awaits supports from the local residents. Taipower promises to continue to communicate with the residents to reduce their psychological stress from the wind turbines.
全國廢核行動平台摘錄日本地球之友在今年3月最新出版的《福島的現在與能源的未來》,與日本綠色和平6月針對安倍政府新能源政策發表的最新聲明《Evaluation and recommendations on the Japan's Fifth Basic Energy Plan》兩份文件,重批核能學會等擁核團體說的只是日本安倍政府的說詞,而民間團體在當地第一線長期協助與調查,他們的報告才更能讓社會瞭解福島的現況;而日本在核災後的能源政策也有所迷思與不確定性,並非台灣應該參考的對象。
國際能源總署所發表《2018電力系統轉型現況》報告(Status of Power System Transformation 2018)已指出,電力系統若要容納潛力豐厚且成本低廉的再生能源,由屋頂型太陽光電與電動車形塑的分散型能源資源,以及因應高度數位化後的新商機,電力系統應加速增進其彈性(flexibility)。故規劃電力系統時,應以「發電量貢獻」(energy volume contribution)與「電力調節貢獻」 (energy option contribution)取代傳統的尖載、中載與基載概念。
前者的特性是能在長時間內以低成本供給電力,在此定義下,傳統的基載電廠如燃煤與核電雖可歸為此類。但由於再生能源變動成本低,故在高再生能源比例下也可發揮此功能。更重要的是,若從最小運轉容量(minimum load)、升降載速率(ramp rate)、啟動時間(start up time)等因子分析各個發電技術的彈性,目前既有的核電機組因受限於核燃料反應的循環週期,前述3個特性均極為受限。且高變動性的升降載,亦會影響反應爐的結構安全,故核電是現有發電技術中,最不具有系統彈性的選項。
Alberici, S., S. Boeve, P. van Breevoort, Y. Deng, S. Förster, A. Gardiner, V. van Gastel, K. Grave, H. Groenenberg, D. de Jager, E. Klaassen, W. Pouwels, M. Smith, E. de Visser, T. Winkel, and K. Wouters. (2014). Subsidies and costs of EU energy: Final Report. Ecofys, Brussels: European Commission.
Committee of Climate Change(CCC). (2018) Reducing UK emissions: 2018 Progress Report to Parliament.
Rabl, A et al (2013) External costs of nuclear: Greater or less than the alternatives? Energy Policy Vol 57, p575-584.
Wheatley, S. et al (2017) Of disasters and dragon kings: a statistical analysis of nuclear power incidents and accidents, Risk analysis, Vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 99- 115.