而2016年《港⼝國措施協定》(Port State Measures Agreement)生效,是國際社會遏止IUU漁業的行動跨出的一大步。環境正義基⾦會建議,我國應提升法規基準,將《港⼝國措施協定》國內法化,並確保所有在台灣近海或遠洋漁船⼯作的漁⼯受到國際勞⼯組織(ILO)《⼯作中基本原則和權 利》和《漁撈⼯作公約》(第188號公約)、以及相關⼯時和最低薪資綱要的保障。
開幕片《當我們還擁有歐斑鳩(Tant qu'il y aura des tourterelles)》的兩位導演,便是過去從伊夫勘動物紀錄片研究所畢業的校友,他們在法國社會以獨立生態紀錄片工作者身份出道。該片利用兩年時間製作,紀錄一種看似平凡的鴿子「歐斑鳩(European turtle dove)」,卻是在歐非兩陸遷移的候鳥,具有重要的生態指標,法國鳥類學家自2001年開始研究歐斑鳩的遷移路線,拍攝團隊以此為主題,跟著專家跟著鳥,穿梭在不同的國家裡,將此遷移路線的解密過程,詳細訴說在紀錄片中。
《當我們還擁有歐斑鳩》,52分鐘,導演Marion PETIT、 Joachim BOUYJOU,2016,法國製作
另一部觀摩片《拉賈斯坦的藍色黃金(L'or bleu du Rajasthan)》,則是正要從研究所畢業的同學的共同製作。這11位畢業生,從法國遠赴印度,記錄位於北印拉賈斯坦小鎮的農民用水議題,從該鎮農民的觀點出發,當原始作田被徵收成生態保育區、當原始水源被攔截成水壩,農作該何去何從,生機該何去何從,這是一場人權之爭(human right)、還是自然權之爭(nature right),或是水權之爭(water right)?
WEB TV雖強調網路直播,卻嚴謹的以電視台節目規格製作,三機作業(一台定拍廣角、一台側拍特寫、一台手持捕捉細節,拍攝台上與台下互動),導播台、燈光與音控設備都在攝影棚旁邊,網路直播室則在後方另外搭建的小房間裡,避免干擾。觀眾來來去去,選擇自己喜歡的節目前來欣賞,或等到現場節目播畢後,走向台前與來賓面對面聊天。
In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.
Arnett, Edward B., et al. 2010.Altering turbine speed reduces bat mortality at wind-energy facilities.. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9.4: 209-214.
Arnett EB (Ed). 2005. Relationships between bats and wind turbines in Pennsylvania and West Virginia: an assessment of bat fatality search protocols, patterns of fatality, and behavioral interactions with wind turbines. A final report submitted to the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative. Austin, TX: Bat Conservation International. www.batcon.org/wind/BWEC 2004finalreport.pdf. Viewed 11 Jun 2007
Chou C. H, T. Y. Hsieh, W. T. Liu, T. C. Chou, Y. P. Huang and J. Rydell. 2017. Bat fatalities at wind farms in Taiwan. Mammal Study 42:121-124
Kunz, T.H., Amett E.B., Eden, U., Erickson, W.P., Hoar, A.R., Johnson, G.D., Larkin, R.P., Strickland, M.D., Thresher, R.W., & Tuttle, M.D. (2007) Ecological impacts of wind energy development on bats: questions, research needs, and hypotheses. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5:315–324.
In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.