玻國總統莫拉萊斯(Evo Morales)宣布新法生效,容許興建一條300公里的高速公路穿過伊西博羅原住民保護地國家公園(Isiboro Sécure Indigenous Territory and National Park,西語縮寫「Tipnis」)。這條路將Tipnis國家公園一分為二。2011年數千民眾街頭抗爭,向政府爭取來的保護,將再度化為泡影。
In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.
台灣杉,東亞最高的樹種,魯凱族以「撞到月亮的樹」稱呼它,只有極少數人得以完整觀看它的樣貌。為了完整呈現台灣杉的面容,澳洲 The Tree Projects 拍攝團隊2017年5月來台,攀上棲蘭山中高達70公尺的台灣杉頂端,沿著樹身升降,透過專業攝影師的鏡頭,拍下了美麗與震撼的畫面,更拍下每個高度的紀錄,再加以組裝成一張「等身照」。
Greenland, the world’s largest island, known for its vast sheets of ice, is now experiencing its first large wildfire. The fire is burning along the island’s west coast about 150 kilometers (90 miles) northeast of Sisimiut, the second-largest city in Greenland, an autonomous county of Denmark.
Satellites first detected evidence of the fire on July 31. The U.S. National Aeronautic and Space Administration, NASA, says the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite on Suomi NPP collected daily images of smoke streaming from the fire over the first week in August.
While it is not unprecedented for satellites to observe fire activity in Greenland, a preliminary analysis by Stef Lhermitte of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands suggests that MODIS has detected far more fire activity in Greenland in 2017 than it did during any other year since the sensor began collecting data in 2000.
Three-quarters of Greenland is covered by the only permanent ice sheet outside Antarctica. While Greenland is almost entirely covered by this thick ice sheet, there are exposed carbon-rich peatlands along the west coast.
The wildfire appears to be burning in peat, says Miami University scientist Jessica McCarty.
That would mean the fire produced a sharp increase in wildfire-caused carbon dioxide emissions in Greenland for 2017, says atmospheric scientist Mark Parrington of the European Commission’s Copernicus program.
Scientists fear that the fire may have broken out because permafrost is melting, making the underlying peat more likely to catch fire. Since peat can be used as a fuel, it could burn for a long time.
According to Ruth Mottram of the Danish Meteorological Institute, neither the institute nor other scientific groups maintain detailed records of fire activity in Greenland, but many meteorologists at the institute have heard anecdotal fire reports.
The small fires detected in Greenland by satellite are usually campfires lit by hunters or backpackers. But Landsat did capture imagery of another sizable fire in August 2015.
No one knows exactly what triggered this fire, though a lack of documented lightning prior to its ignition suggests the fire may have been sparked by human activity. The area is regularly used by reindeer hunters, and is close to Sisimiut, a town with a population of 5,600 people.
The summer of 2017 has been dry. Sisimiut saw almost no rain in June and half of the usual amount in July. Scientists speculate that may have parched dwarf willows, shrubs, grasses, mosses, and other vegetation that live in Greenland’s coastal areas, making them more likely to burn.
Fires emit soot, black carbon. The prevaling winds are likely to transport some of this material eastward where it will contribute to a line of darkened snow and ice along the western edge of Greenland’s ice sheet.
Climate scientists are watching this area closely because darkened snow and ice melts more rapidly than when it is white.
“In Greenland, everything got warmer at the same time: the air, the ocean surface, the depths of the ocean,” said Ian Joughin, a glaciologist at University of Washington. ‘We don’t really understand which part of that warming is having the biggest effect on the glaciers. What scientists do know is that warming Arctic temperatures – and a darkening surface of the Greenland ice sheet – are causing so much summer melting that it is now the dominant factor in Greenland’s contribution to sea level rise.”
“Greenland’s summer melt season now lasts 70 days longer than it did in the early 1970s. Every summer, warmer air temperatures cause melt over about half of the surface of the ice she,” said Joughin.
Scientists are closely monitoring the contributions of climate change to the start of this fire and also its impacts on the Earth’s climate as a whole.
In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.
Pentire海角農場位在英格蘭西南角的康瓦爾(Cornwall),Pentire角是一座海角和半島,由於特殊的地質以及在此生長的野生動植物,Pentire被劃為具特殊科學價值地點(Site of Special Scientific Interest);英國國民信託持有並管理Pentire的海岸線,並將其餘大部分土地出租給佃戶耕種。
2013年,卑詩省土地與文化國民信託(The National Trust for Land and Culture,BC)出面,向卑詩省政府簽下農場租約,租期29.5年,且限定土地用於提供當地農夫生產食物,讓這裡的社區協力農業至少在未來30年內可以持續運作下去。現在,承租黑狗農場的新任農夫採用「不整地栽培法」(no-till farming),種植覆蓋作物替代傳統的犁田翻耕,以保護土壤不受過多干擾及流失,也留下之前作物的殘株減少逕流,還能促進土壤中的生物多樣性,他也引進動物,讓牠們的糞便成為土壤的養分。而農田所有的出產,也讓社區居民能繼續吃到永續經營的土地上生產出的食物。
In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.