In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.
下澤女士的女兒症狀很多,像是「從早上就疲累到不行,不能使力。」「腳痛、手痛、全身痛。」「雖然是陰天,可是好刺眼。」「眼睛不對勁,有的地方看不到了。」等等。初時下澤懷疑是所謂的「原爆懶懶病(bura bura disease)」,這種病是由日本軍醫肥田舜太郎從二戰原爆患者身上發現,儘管在其他核輻射污染裡也常見到,但沒有國家認定和輻射有因果關係。
關於災後病例的增加。三田茂醫師依據他的血液檢查資料表示:「(東京兒童)病情拖延不見改善時,病況加重的可能性變高。」「例如重感冒時罹患致命的敗血症( lead to fatal illnesses such as septicemia in the case of aggravated colds)。」;衆議院科学技術特別委員会放射線健康影響参考人、琉球大學名譽教授矢崎克馬說:「災後國立重症情報中心的資料顯示,患者數加速增加,對身體弱的人出現影響。訂定一個標準,把標準以下的值一律當作沒問題,完全是割捨性命的行為。」
2016年全球所購買的寶特瓶只有不到一半被回收,被回收的寶特瓶中只有7%被製成新的寶特瓶。相反地,大部分寶特瓶進入掩埋場或海洋。從PlasticAdrift 網站上的全球海漂垃圾互動地圖可以發現,台灣附近海域的垃圾在十年間迅速移動,最後落腳太平洋東岸。相關研究圖資也發表在《環境研究通訊》(Environmental Research Letters)期刊上。
In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.
然而就在6月8日,京東與國際環保組織世界自然基金會(World Wide Fund for Nature,WWF)剛結為戰略合作夥伴,宣佈將一起針對資源循環利用、減碳、永續供應鏈和綠色物流等領域探索與實踐,並從生產、流通和消費端共同推動永續發展。京東集團在WWF的參與下將成為中國第一個嘗試清潔能源的電商,並將出資1000萬人民幣(約4500萬新台幣)在與WWF合作的研發資源循環利用項目。
President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement on climate overshadowed this year’s G20 meeting in Hamburg, but did not change the determination of the other 19 members to limit damaging greenhouse gas emissions.
Chancellor Angela Merkel said the G20 nations would not try to conceal the dissent in their ranks. “With a view to the fields of climate and energy, discussed at the G20 summit,” Merkel said, “Where no consensus can be achieved, the Declaration must reflect dissent.”
The leaders of the other 19 members declared that the Paris Agreement is “irreversible,” and reinforced their commitment to help developing countries cope with the changing climate.
“We reiterate the importance of fulfilling the UNFCCC commitment by developed countries in providing means of implementation, including financial resources to assist developing countries with both mitigation and adaptation actions in line with Paris outcomes,” they state in the G20 Leaders Declaration.
While acknowledging disagreement with the United States, the 20 most industrialized nations tried to put a good face on it saying, “The United States of America states it will endeavour to work closely with other countries to help them access and use fossil fuels more cleanly and efficiently and help deploy renewable and other clean energy sources, given the importance of energy access and security in their nationally determined contributions.”
After the first face-to-face working session in which President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin both participated, the Russian leader told reporters Saturday, “A very big and very sensitive issue is climate change. I think in this respect the Federal Republic of Germany chairing the G20 has managed to reach the best compromise in a difficult situation the chairing nation has found itself in, namely due to the US quitting the Paris Climate Agreement.”
“An agreement was reached, a compromise, when all the countries have recorded that the United States pulled out of the agreement but they are ready to continue cooperating in certain areas and with certain countries on addressing climate change challenges,” Putin said. “I think this is a positive result in itself, which can be credited to Chancellor Merkel.”
British Prime Minister Theresa May said at the close of the G20 meeting on Saturday, “Like other world leaders here, I am dismayed at the U.S. decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement and I have urged President Trump to re-join it.”
G20的女性創業小組討論。圖片來源:Bundesregierung / Kugler
“The UK’s own commitment to the Paris Agreement and tackling global climate change is as strong as ever,” said May.
Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said as the meeting closed, “I strongly welcome the G20’s focus on climate change, the sustainable development goals, and the challenges facing low-income countries.”
The G20 Declaration welcomed the May report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, “Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth.”
The report describes the structural, financial and political changes that can enable transition to a low-carbon world. That is the path the other 19 members of the G20 say they will take, regardless of the position of the Trump administration.
They agreed to the G20 Hamburg Climate and Energy Action Plan for Growth, which states, “Innovation in sustainable and clean energy technologies is a top priority for G20 members.”
The Plan excludes the United States, noting, “The United States is currently in the process of reviewing many of its policies related to climate change and continues to reserve its position on this document and its contents.”
But the other 19 members of the group state their urgency to limit climate change as soon as humanly possible because the dangers are real and increasing.
The G20 leaders declared, “We recognise the opportunities for innovation, sustainable growth, competitiveness, and job creation of increased investment into sustainable energy sources and clean energy technologies and infrastructure.”
“We remain collectively committed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through, among others, increased innovation on sustainable and clean energies and energy efficiency, and work towards low greenhouse gas emission energy systems,” they said.
Nevertheless, U.S. President Donald Trump views the G20 meeting as a success for the United States. “The G 20 Summit was a great success for the U.S.,” Trump tweeted at 4am on July 9. “Explained that the U.S. must fix the many bad trade deals it has made. Will get done!”
In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.