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保育人士死於伊朗獄中 家屬質疑「被自殺」



63歲的薩伊德埃瑪米(Kavous Seyed-Emami)是波斯野生動物遺產基金會(Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation,PWHF)的創辦人。該基金會致力於保護波斯豹、亞洲黑熊等伊朗的稀有動物和淡水水源。薩伊德埃瑪米去世時,仍擔任基金會的總監。

Kavous-Seyed-Emami。圖片來源:Samid Lotfi courtesy CHRI

薩伊德埃瑪米(Kavous Seyed-Emami)。圖片來源:Samid Lotfi/CHRI

伊朗「重要的環境NGO」 多名成員遭警拘留


薩伊德埃瑪米的兒子、伊朗音樂家拉姆埃瑪米(Raam Emami)在Twitter上寫道,他的父親於1月24日被捕,他的母親則在2月9日被告知父親的死訊。拉姆埃瑪米在Instagram上寫道,當局說他的父親是自殺。

根據紐約伊朗人權中心(Center for Human Rights in Iran)執行主任哈迪加米(Hadi Ghaemi)的說法,薩伊德埃瑪米於1月遭拘留。



被指涉入間諜組織 保育人士獄中「被自殺」

拉姆埃瑪米和伊朗人權中心說,德黑蘭檢察官辦公室告訴薩伊德埃瑪米的家人,薩伊德埃瑪米在艾文監獄內上吊自殺身亡。德黑蘭檢察官多拉塔巴迪(Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi)11日證實了薩伊德埃瑪米的死亡,稱他被拘留的原因是涉入間諜組織活動。





亞洲獵豹又稱伊朗獵豹(Acinonyx jubatus venaticus),是獵豹的一個亞種。圖片來源:Ehsan Kamali/維基百科(CC BY 4.0

「保護人類和其他形式的生命」 薩伊德埃瑪米的最後心願

亞洲獵豹(Acinonyx jubatus venaticus)、亞洲黑熊(Ursus Thibetanus,又名「月熊」)、波斯豹(Panthera pardus ciscaucasica),以及許多野生動物都是波斯野生動物遺產基金會關注的對象。






「我們認為,只有人們和責任單位合作,才能實現保育目標。 作為生活依賴於環境健康的人們,我們有責任保護偉大的自然遺產,將之交給後代。」

Iranian-Canadian Conservationist Dies in Iranian Jail
TEHRAN, Iran, February 11,2018 (ENS)

An Iranian-Canadian academic and environmental activist imprisoned by Iranian authorities in January has died in prison, his son said Saturday on Twitter.

Kavous Seyed-Emami, 63, was a founder of the Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation, which works to protect Iran’s rare animals and fresh water supplies. He was serving as its managing director at the time of his death.

Seyed-Emami was also a professor of sociology at Tehran’s Imam Sadiq University. He received his doctorate in sociology from the University of Oregon in 1991, according to an alumni listing on the university website.

Seyed-Emami’s son, the Iranian musician Raam Emami who goes by the stage name King Raam, wrote on Twitter that his father was arrested on January 24, and that his mother had been informed of Emami’s death on February 9.

On Instagram, Raam Emami wrote that the authorities said his father had committed suicide.

Seyed-Emami, was detained last month, according to Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran.

Ghaemi called the Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation “the leading environmental NGO in Iran,” and said Seyed-Emami was detained along with other members of the PWHF.

CHRI has learned that on the same day as Seyed-Emami’s arrest, at least nine other staff members and executives of the Persian Heritage Wildlife Foundation were also taken into custody in Tehran, according to a relative of one of the detainees who asked not to be identified.

Raam Emami and the Center for Human Rights in Iran say that the Tehran prosecutor’s office told Seyed-Emami’s family that he committed suicide by hanging himself while in Evin Prison.

Tehran prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi confirmed the professor’s death Sunday, saying he had been detained in an alleged espionage ring.

On Saturday, the prosecutor announced the ring, saying it had targeted people who were “implementing scientific and environmental projects” to collect information on “strategic areas.”

“He knew there were a lot of confessions against him and he also confessed himself,” Dolatabadi was quoted as saying Sunday by the semi-official Iran Labour News Agency. “Unfortunately, he committed suicide in prison.”

“The Center for Human Rights in Iran, CHRI, holds the Iranian Judiciary fully responsible for the death of Seyed-Emami and calls for an immediate, international UN-led investigation into the three deaths that have occurred in custody in Iran in the past 40 days,” the Center says on its website.

“Iranian authorities must also immediately stop harassing Seyed-Emami’s family and cease pressuring them into conducting a burial before the completion of an independent autopsy and medical investigation of the cause of death,” demanded CHRI.

Activists say there have been other suspicious deaths among detainees that have been labelled as suicides.

The Asiatic cheetah, Asiatic black bear, Persian leopard and various species of wild sheep are the animals on which the Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation currently focuses its conservation efforts.

In an editorial for the 2016-17 Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation Annual Report, Seyed-Emami explained his approach to environmental conservation.

“Research around the world shows that the rate of extinction induced by human activities and changes to nature brought on by our civilization, such as climate change, is on the increase,” wrote Seyed-Emami.

“Conservationists should however not stop their efforts. Rather, they should focus on success stories to gain hope and learn from their own endeavors to reverse the loss of fauna and flora,” he wrote.

“They should continue to play their part in safeguarding the Earth for humanity and all other forms of life. The lesson we have learnt is that we must stay true to the course we have embarked on, never shying away from the challenges we face,” Seyed-Emami wrote.

“We have learnt that wildlife conservation cannot succeed with short term projects and limited perspective. It requires perseverance,” he wrote. “Projects must be implemented and sustained over long periods of time; in order to be sustainable and able to fulfill their own needs, they must be clearly and scientifically defined. Toward this goal, we have identified two prerequisites: foremost is the mobilization of local people and their integration.”

The organization states its goals, “PWHF strives to ease the heavy strain on rare wildlife of Iran. Human population growth and the expansion of zones of human activity are among the many dangers facing wildlife habitats in particular and our nurturing environment in general.”

“We believe that conservation goals can only be fulfilled when people and authorities cooperate. As a people whose livelihood depends on the health of the environment, we have a responsibility to safeguard and hand our great natural heritage to future generations.”

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.



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