
今年5月,聖塔芭芭拉的州參議員傑克遜(Hannah-Beth Jackson)為阻止川普政府擴大加州海岸石油探勘提出的法案,在參議院以24票對8票通過。
聯邦安全和環境執法局(Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement,BSEE)和海洋能源管理局(Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,BOEM)準備了一份環境評估計畫草案,評估加州外海石油和天然氣活動對大陸棚環境的影響。
「確保能源生產的環境永續性是BSEE的使命,」BSEE主任安傑爾(Scott Angelle)表示,他支持海上石油和天然氣開發活動。安傑爾8月22日表示,「接受、審查和批准開發許可證能讓加州南部海域38個有效租約中的油藏,能繼續依法生產石油和天然氣,而不影響環境。」
加州公共政策研究所(Public Policy Institute of California,PPIC)7月25日發布的調查結果指出,超過2/3有投票意願的選民(67%)反對增加加州海岸的石油探勘活動。

California is using its control over the last three miles between the Pacific Ocean and the shore to thwart President Donald Trump’s plans to open the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf to new drilling for oil and gas.
State lawmakers today passed a bill that would bar the State Lands Commission from approving any new leases for pipelines, piers, wharves, or other infrastructure needed to support new federal oil and gas development in the three-mile area off the coast that is controlled by the state.
The bill also prohibits any lease renewal, extension or modification that would support the production, transportation or processing of new oil and gas.
The bill does not affect activities “undertaken to repair or maintain any pipeline or other infrastructure used to convey oil or natural gas or any other activity necessary to ensure the safe operation of infrastructure used in the exploration, development, or production of oil or natural gas.”
Nor does it prohibit any activity undertaken to convey oil or natural gas produced from state waters.
California has a long-standing bipartisan commitment to protecting its coast from new offshore oil and gas drilling.
Since January, when President Donald Trump announced his intention to open U.S. coastlines to drilling, California lawmakers have been wrestling this bill through the Legislature.
It’s the legislators who represent the coastal city of Santa Barbara who have been pushing this legislation through.
In May, State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson’s bill to thwart the Trump Administration’s efforts to expand federal oil drilling off the California coast passed the Senate floor on a 24 to eight vote. Senator Jackson represents Santa Barbara.
“The Trump Administration’s proposal to dramatically expand offshore oil drilling is dangerous, reckless, and a direct threat to our coastal communities. California must stand firm in our opposition to this expansion, which could devastate our marine ecology, public health, and coastal economy,” said Senator Jackson.
After the Assembly’s approval today, the amended version of the bill, co-authored by Santa Barbara Assemblymembers Al Muratsuchi and Monique Limón, returns to the California Senate for another confirming vote.
The vote to approve this legislation comes as the federal Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) have prepared a draft programmatic environmental assessment evaluating the environmental impacts of oil and gas activities on the Outer Continental Shelf offshore California.
“Ensuring environmentally sustainable energy production is central to BSEE’s mission,” said BSEE Director Scott Angelle, who argues for more activity in the offshore oil and gas fields. He said August 22, “Accepting, reviewing, and approving these permits would allow for the continued orderly and environmentally sound production of oil and gas from the reservoirs on the 38 active leases located in federal waters offshore southern California.”
A Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) study released July 25 found that more than two-thirds of likely voters (67%) oppose more oil drilling off the California coast.
Across parties, an overwhelming majority of registered Democrats (82%) and a strong majority of independents (66%) are opposed, while a majority of Republicans (54%) are in favor.
Since 1986, according to the PPIC, more than 600 oil and gas pipeline spills, explosions and other incidents have occurred in California, causing at least $769 million in damages, 200 injuries and close to 50 deaths.
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