加州州長布朗10日簽署參議院100號法案(SB 100),將「100%乾淨電力」正式設立為法定目標。
繼提早四年達成「2020年減排13%、經濟成長26%」目標後,「SB 100」將使加州的再生能源比例標準更加積極,2025年必須達到50%電力由再生能源供應,2030年要達到60%,2045年實現零碳電網。

州長訂定碳中和目標 減碳不涉核電
雖然加州政府定義的乾淨能源有核電、大型水力發電、綠能三種,州政府在其網站上的「SB 100」Q&A 問答集指出,加州正在逐步淘汰核電,現階段也並不考慮新建核電廠。
減碳聯盟「Under2 Coalition」 規模跨六大洲、佔全球經濟四成
此外,布朗幫助建立全美和全球的減碳合作聯盟「Under2 Coalition」。該聯盟起源於加州與德國巴登-符騰堡州之間的合作關係,現在已納入橫跨六大洲的206個各級政府,共代表13億人口和30兆美元的GDP,相當於全球人口的17%和全球經濟的40%。
Putting his stamp of approval on California’s global climate leadership, Governor Jerry Brown today signed Senate Bill 100, which sets a 100 percent clean electricity goal for the state. The governor also issued an executive order establishing a new target to achieve carbon neutrality – both by 2045.
With Governor Brown’s executive order, California establishes the most ambitious carbon neutrality commitment of the more than 20 countries and at least 40 cities, states and provinces planning to go carbon neutral by mid-century or sooner.
SB 100 advances the state’s existing Renewables Portfolio Standard, which establishes how much of the electricity system should be powered from renewable energy resources, to 50 percent by 2025 and 60 percent by 2030.
It also puts California on the bold path to implement a zero-carbon electricity grid by 2045.
To ensure California is combating global warming beyond the electric sector, which represents 16 percent of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, the governor’s executive order directs the state to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 and net negative greenhouse gas emissions after that.
The state will reach its goals with continued reductions of carbon pollution and increased carbon sequestration in forests, soils and other natural landscapes and programs focused on improving air quality and public health, especially in California’s most impacted communities.
These actions are the latest in a long series of actions by California to deal with the warming climate. Late last week, Governor Brown also signed legislation to block new federal offshore oil drilling along California’s coast and announced the state’s opposition to the federal government’s plan to expand oil drilling on public lands in California. The entirety of the state’s coast has been off-limits to new oil and gas leases for more than 30 years, and the state has not issued a lease for offshore oil or gas production since 1968.
The state has met its 2020 target four years early, reducing emissions 13 percent while growing the economy 26 percent.
From 2015 to 2016, emissions reductions were roughly equal to taking 2.4 million cars off the road, saving 1.5 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel.
In addition, Governor Brown has helped establish and expand coalitions of partners across the nation and globe committed to curbing carbon pollution.
The Under2 Coalition, which originated from a partnership between California and the German state of Baden-Württemberg, now includes 206 jurisdictions on six continents that collectively represent 1.3 billion people and $30 trillion in GDP – equivalent to 17 percent of the global population and 40 percent of the global economy.
Members of the Under2 Coalition have made a number of key commitments, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 80 to 95 percent below 1990 levels or to less than two annual metric tons for each person in California by 2050.
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